
Apples have a fine-grained texture that is crisp and crunchy. Because the fruit does not brown easily after being cut, it is a popular apple for use in fruit salads and other recipes calling for raw apples. The fruit has a slight tart front flavor followed by a very sweet after taste.

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Kiwis have more Vitamin C than citrus and can be used in marinades as a meat tenderizer. Beautiful and eye-catching when sliced and used as a garnish, the crunchy, tiny black seeds add a wonderful texture and are perfectly designed to be eaten!


Our Oranges showcase premium quality with few seeds, and their juice has a craveable rich flavor that doesn’t turn bitter after juicing, giving them the title of the ultimate juicing orange. With an easy-to-peel, somewhat smooth kind, this orange can also be enjoyed fresh out-of-hand.

Where to Buy

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